top dentist

January 3, 2018

The Benefits of a Night Guard

If you’re a teeth-grinder, know that the earlier you catch the damage, the better your prognosis. One excellent way to combat the bothersome habit of nighttime grinding, […]
December 4, 2017
Is Your Child a Grinder

Is your child a teeth grinder?

Bruxism, or the grinding of teeth, is remarkably common in children and adults. For some children, this tooth grinding is limited to daytime hours, but nighttime […]
October 25, 2017
Kurt A Petellin

Smoking and Tooth Loss

We have all been told that smoking is bad for our overall health. But did you know that it’s bad for your dental health? Few smokers […]
September 27, 2017
What Your Gums Are Really Saying

What do your gums really say about you?

Your gums can actually reveal a lot about your health. Can you answer yes to any of the following? Are your gums swollen and red? Do […]